Biggar, Nigel
Making pace or doing justice
Shriver, Donald W.
Where and when in political life is justice served forgiveness
Forsberg, Tuomas
The philosoohy and paractice of dealing with the past: some conceptual and normative issues
Minow, Martha
Innovating response to the past: human rights institutions
Van Der Merwe, Hugo
National and community reconciliation: competing agendas in the south african truth and reconciliation commission
Smyth, Marie
Putting the past in its place: issues of victimhood and reconciliation in northern ireland's pace proces
Hamber, Brandon
Does the truth heal?: A psychological perspective on political strategies for dealing with the legacy of political violence
De Brito, Alexandra B.
Passion, constraint,law, and fortuna: the human rights challenge to chilean democracy
Sieder, Rachel
War, peace and the politics of memory in Guatemala.
p. 209-234
Villa- Vicencio, Charles
Restorative justice in social contex: the south african truth and reconciliation commision.
p. 235-250
Vandeginste, Stef
Rwanda: Dealing whith genocide and crimes against humanity in the context of armed conflict and failed political transition.
p. 251-285
McCaughey, Terence.
Northern Ireland: Burying the heatchet, not the past.
p. 287-303