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Tipo de material:    Libros
Colección:    Colección General
Número de clasificación:    362.7/C437c
image description

Child welfare research : advances for practice and policy / ed. por Duncan Lindsey ; Aron Shlonsky .- Oxford : New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.

xi, 399 p. : diagramas; gráficos; tablas

ISBN : 978-0-19-530496-1
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Nota de bibliografía
Incluye bibliografía
Autores adicionales
Lindsey, Duncan, ed. ; Shlonsky, Aron, ed.

Resumen General

Lindsey, Duncan; Shlonsky, Aron ; Mcluckie, Alan
Child welfare research: an introduction
p. 3-11
Trocmé, Nico
Epidemiology of child maltreatment
p. 15-24
Pelton, Leroy H.
Informig child welfare: the promise and limits of empirical research
p. 25-48
Gambrill, Eileen
Providing more effective, ethical services: the philosophy and process of evidence-based (-informed) practice
p. 51-65
Littel, Julia H.
How do we know what works?: the quality of published reviews of evidence-based practices
p. 66-93
Festinger, Trudy
The influence of an adoption experiment on social policy: p. 99-107
Testa, Mark
New permanency strategies for children in foster care
p. 108-124
Dworsky, Amy
The transition to adulthood among youth ´aging out´ of care: what have we learned?
p. 125-144
Friend, Colleen
Moving restorative justice interventions into domestic violence treatment
p. 145-153
Renner, Lynette M.; Shook Slack, Kristen ; Berger, Lawrence M.
A descriptive study of intimate partner violence and child maltreatment: implications for child welfare policy
p. 154-172
Gambrill, Eileen
Decision making in child welfare: constraints and potentials
p. 175-193
Munro, Eileen
Lessons from research on decision making
p. 194-200
Rycus, Judith S.; Hughes, Ronald C.
Assesing risk throughout the life of a child welfare case
p. 201-213
Schwartz, Ira M. et al.
Improving social work practice through the use of technology and advanced research methods
p. 214-229
Waldfogel, Jane
The future of child protection revisited
p. 235-241
Meezan, William; Mcbeath, Bowen
The implementation of market-based innovations
p. 242-260
Webster, Daniel et al.
Self-evaluation: using data to guide policy and pratice in public child
p. 261-270
Courtney, Mark E. et al.
Comparing welfare and child welfare populations: an argument for rethinking the safety net
p. 271-290
Reynolds, Arthur J.; Mersky, Joshua
Promoting child well-being through early intervention: findings from the Chicago longitudinal study
p. 291-306
Stoez, David
Heeding horton: transcending the public welfare paradigm
p. 307-317
Cramer, Reid
Accounts at birth: a proposal to improve life chances througt a national system of children´s savings accounts
p. 318-341
Kamerman, Sheila B.; Kahn, Alfred J.
Beyond child welfare: international perspectives on child and family policies
p. 345-356
Ozawa, Martha N.; Lee, Yongwoo
The effect of children on the income status of famale-headed households: an intercountry comparison
Lindsey, Duncan; Shlonsky, Aron
Closing reflections: future research directions and a new paradigm
p. 375-378

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  #46176  en estantes


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