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Tipo de material:    Libros
Colección:    Colección General
Número de clasificación:    291.178328/F763f
image description

Forgiveness and reconciliation : religion, public policy, and conflict transformation / ed. por Raymond G. Helmick, S.J. ; Rodney L. Petersen .- Philadelphia : London : Templeton Foundation Press, 2001.

xxvii, 450 p. : gráficos

ISBN : 9778-1-890151-84-3
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Nota de bibliografía
Incluye bibliografía
Autores adicionales
Helmick, Raymond G., ed. ; Petersen, Rodney L., ed.

Resumen General

Helmick, Raymond G.; Petersen, Rodney L.
p. xvii-xxvii
Petersen, Rodney L.
A theology of forgiveness: terminology, rhetoric, and the dialectic of interfaith relationships
p. 3-25
Volf, Miroslaw
Forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice: a christian contribution to a more paceful social enviroment
p. 27-49
Harakas, Stanley S.
Forgiveness and reconciliation: an orthodox perspective
p. 51-78
Helmick, Raymond G.
Does religion fuel or heal in conflicts?
p. 81-95
Montvile, Joseph V.
Religion and peacemaking
p. 97-116
Johnston, Douglas M.
Religion and foreign policy
p. 117-128
Hicks, Donna
The role of identity reconstruction
p. 129-149
Shriver Jr., Donald W.
Forgiveness: a bridge across abysess of revenge
p. 151-167
Worthington Jr., Everett L.
Unforgiveness, forgiveness, and reconciliation and their implications for societal interventions
p. 171-192
Lederach, John Paul
Five qualities of practice in support of reconciliation process
p. 193-203
Staub, Ervin; Pearlman, Laurie Anne
Healing, reconciliation, and forgiving after genocide and other collective violence
p. 205-227
Dawson, John
Hatred's end: a christian proposal to peacemaking in a new century
p. 229-253
Chapman, Audrey R.
Truth commisionss as instruments of forgiveness and reconciliation
p. 257-277
Botcharova, Olga
Implementation of track two diplomacy: developing a model of forgiveness
p. 279-304
da Silva, Anthony
Through nonviolence to truth: Gandhi's vision of reconciliation
p. 305-327
Smyth, Geraldine
Brokenness, forgiveness and reconciliation
p. 329-359
Bartoli, Andrea
Forgiveness and reconciliation in the Mozambique peace process
p. 361-381
Ortega, Ofelia
Conversion as a way of life in cultures of violence
p. 383-394
Ellis, George F. R.
Afterword: exploring the unique role of forgiveness
p. 395-410

Información de existencias
  #46337  en estantes


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