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Tipo de material:    Libros
Colección:    Colección General
Número de clasificación:    235.2/C718c
image description

Colonial saints : discovering the holy in the Americas, 1500-1800 / ed. por Allan Greer y Jodi Bilinkoff .- New York : London : Routledge, 2003.

xxii, 317 p. * : il.

ISBN : 0-415-93496-6
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Nota de bibliografía
Incluye bibliografía
Autores adicionales
Greer, Allan, ed.
Bilinkoff, Jodi

Resumen General

Black, Charlene Villaseñor
St. Anne imagery and maternal achetypes in Spain and Mexico
p. 3-29
Dayan, Joan
Querying the spirit: the rules of the Haitian Lwa
p. 31-50
Mills, Kenneth
Diego de Ocaña's hagiography of new and renewed devotion in colonial Peru
p. 81-75
Tuer, Dot
Old bones and beatiful words: the spiritual contestation between shaman and Jesuit in the Guarani missions
p. 77-97
Vainfas, Ronaldo
St. Anthony in Portuguese America: saint of the restoration
p. 99-111
Bilinkoff, Jodi
Francisco Losa and Gregorio López: spiritual friendship and identity formation on the new Spain frontier
p. 115-128
Deslandres, Dominique
In the shadow of the cloister: representation of female holiness in new France
p. 125-152
Perron, Paul
Isaac Jogues: from martyrdom to sainthood
p. 153-168
Gardina, Pestana
Martyred by the saints: quaker executions in seventeenth-Century Massachusetts
p. 169-191
Rubial García, Antonio
St. Palafox: metaphorical images of disputed sainthood
p. 193-207
Boss, Julia
Writing a relic: the uses of hagiography in new France
p. 211-233
Greer, Allan
Iroquois virgin: the story of Catherine Tekakwitha in new France and new Spain
p. 235-250
Myers, Kathleen Ann
"Redeemer of America": Rosa de Lima (1586-1617)
p. 251-275
Taylor, William B.
Mexico's Virgin of Guadalupe in the seventeenth Century: hagiography and beyond
p. 277-298

Información de existencias
  #36842  en estantes


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