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Tipo de material:    Libros
Colección:    Colección General
Número de clasificación:    303.69/T343t
image description

Theory and practice in ethnic conflict management : theorizing success and failure / ed. por Marc Howard Ross y Jay Rothman .- New York : Palgrave, 1999.

263 p. *

ISBN : 0-333-75102-7
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Nombre de la colección
Ethnic and inter-community conflict
Nota de bibliografía
Incluye bibliografía
Autores adicionales
Rothman, Jay

Resumen General

Howard Ross, Marc; Rothman, Jay
Issues of theory and practice in ethnic conflict management.
p. 1-23
Mitchell, Christopher
Reflections on theory and practice in a thirty year old problem-solving workshop.
p. 24-33
Boltjes, Miek
From changing goverments to building networks: the evolution of goals in the conflict management group's project in the former soviet union.
p. 34-59
Cilliers, Jaco
Organizing conflict resolution interventions in situations of rapid change: the south african transition.
p. 60-80
Leatherman, Janie
Catholic relief services: using humanitarian assistance to promote democratic awareness and civic participation
p. 81-102
Müftüler-Bac, Meltem
Addressing kurdish separatism in turkey.
p. 103-119
Pearson d'Estrée, Tamra
Resolving the hopi-navajo land dispuque: official and unofficial interventions.
p. 120-142
Mulvihill, Robert; Howard Ross, Marc
Understanding the pluralistic objectives of conflict resolution interventions in northern ireland.
p. 143-160
Gorman, David
Moving towards peace in Jerusalen.
p. 161-175
Rothman, Jay
Articulating goals and monitoring progress in a cyprus conflict resolution training workshop.
p. 176-194
Lucke, Karin
Building a sustainable peace in Guatemala.
p. 195-208
Mawr, Bryn; Folder, Joseph P.
Evaluating evaluation in ethnic conflict resolution: themes from, and commentary on, the haverford-conference.
p. 209-239
Howard Ross, Marc; Rothman, Jay
Conclusion: integrating evalution into the intervention process.
p. 240-254

Información de existencias
  #34977  en estantes


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