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Tipo de material:    Libros
Colección:    Colección General
Número de clasificación:    320.5/H361h
image description

Hegel's political philosophy : problems and perspectives / ed. por Z.A. Pelczynski .- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1971.

246 p. *

ISBN : 0521099870
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Nota de bibliografía
Incluye bibliografía
Autores adicionales
Pelczynski, Z.A., ed.

Resumen General

Pelczynski, Z.A
The hegelian conception of the state
p. I-29
Plamenatz, John
History as the realization of freedom
p. 30-51
Suter, J.F
Burke, Hegel and the french revolution
p. 52-72
Shklar, Judith N.
Hegel's phenomenology
p. 73-89
Ilting, K.H.
The structure of Hegel's philosophy of right
p. 90-IIO
Heiman, G.
The source and significance of Hegel's corporate doctrine
p. III-135
Riedel, Manfred
Nature and freedom in Hegel's philosophy of right
p. 136-150
Cooper, David E.
Hegel's theory of punishment
p. 151-167
Verene, D.P.
Hegel's account of war
p. 168-180
Walsh, W.H.
Principel and prejudice in Hegel's philosophy of history
p. 181-198
Berki, R.N.
Perspectives in the marxian critique of Hegel's political philosophy
p. 199-219
Fleischmann, Eugene
The role of the individual in pre-revolutionary society: Stirner, Marx and Hegel
p. 220-229
Pelczynski, Z.A
Hegel's political philophy: some thoughts on its contemporary relevance
p. 230-242

Información de existencias
  #55942  en estantes


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