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Tipo de material:    Libros
Colección:    Colección General
Número de clasificación: 302.23/M974m/   Año:     
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Muslims and the news media.
240 p.

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Poole, Elizabeth; Richardson, John E.
p. 1
Holohan, Siobhan
New Labour, multiculturalism and the media in Britain
p. 13
Halliday, Fred
Anti-Arab prejudice in the U.K.: the 'Kilroy.Silk Affair' and the BBC Response
p. 24
Fekete, Liz
Racial Profiling and the War in terror
p. 35
Milller, David
Propaganda and the 'Terror Threat' in the UK
p. 45
Petley, Julian
Still no redress from the PCC
p. 53
Cole, Peter
Mixed Communities: mixed newsrooms
p. 63
Rigoni, Isabelle
Islamic Features in British and French Muslim Media
p. 74
Poole, Elizabeth
The effects of September 11 and the war in Iraq on British newspaper coverage
p. 89
Richardson, John E.
Who gets to speak?: a study of sources in the Broadshette Press
p. 103
Karim, Karim H.
American Media's coverage of Muslims: the historical root contemporary portrayals
p. 116
Manning, Peter
Australians inmaginig Islam
p. 128
Korn, Alina
Joined Forces: the IDF and the Israeli press reporting of the intifada
p. 142
Bunt, Gary R.
Towards and Islamic information revolution
p. 153
Ahmed, Sameera
The media consumption of young British Muslims
p. 167
Zayani, Mohamed
Arab public opinion in the age of satellite television: the case of al-jazeera
p. 176
Pintak, Lawrence
Framing the other: worldview, rhetoric and media dissonace sice 9/11
p. 188
Philo, Greg; Berry, Mike
Bad news and public debate about the israel-Palestine conflict
p. 199

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